
Help and Charity in One Click

The Donat service in Neon opens up new opportunities for administrators of Telegram channels to involve their communities in significant and charitable initiatives. It's not just a way to raise funds, it's a chance to unite people around an important cause and make the world a little better.

Organizing Gatherings and Community Engagement

Involvement in Charity: If your channel has an active and responsive community, the Donat service allows you to organize a fundraiser to support charitable organizations, projects or other channels in Telegram. This could be to raise funds for disaster relief, support medical research, or help those in need.

Simplicity and Transparency of Transactions

Ease of Collection and Transfer of Funds: The Donation service in Neon simplifies the process of collecting funds. Administrators can easily create a fundraiser and provide a convenient and secure way to transfer funds directly to the wallet of a channel or organization in need.

Building a Strong and Compassionate Community

Building a Community of Value: By hosting fundraisers, you're not only helping those in need, but you're also building a strong, compassionate community around your channel. Support and philanthropy foster a deep connection between members and elevate your channel's status as a platform that does good.

The Donat service in Neon is not just a fundraising tool, it is an opportunity for channel administrators to show care, support and leadership by uniting their community around important and good causes. Harness the power of your community to create positive change in the world with Neon.

Last updated