
Convenient Ways to Manage Your Transactions

Discover the simplicity and magic of sending tokens with Neon. Our innovative send menu offers more than just transactions, but a world of connectivity and support through three unique address books. Your next transaction could be more than just a fund transfer.

Book One: Your Personal Connections (Neon PASS) Internal Address Book: Here you can save and organize addresses of friends, family or important exchanges. It's your personal directory for quick and easy transactions, where every address is a bridge to someone special in your life or an important element of your investment strategy.

Book Two: Instant Transactions in the Community Telegram Address Book of Neon Users: Imagine being able to send tokens to friends, colleagues and partners on Telegram with the click of a button. This address book is your quick access to the Neon community, where transactions happen instantly and effortlessly.

Third Book: Support and Donations Book of Connected Channels: Want to support your favorite content creator or contribute to the community? The third address book allows you to send donations directly to connected channels. This is your way of saying "thank you" and supporting those you value through a simple and fast transaction.

The Neon token sending menu is not only a convenient tool for managing your assets, it is a bridge connecting you to people and ideas around the world. Use our address books to simplify your transactions, strengthen your connections, and support the community around you. Sending tokens has never been so easy and meaningful.

Last updated